- All meetings to have been held at Holly House, GCNJ Headquarters, Rutgers Gardens for the rest of the calendar year of 2020 and until further notice, will be held via Zoom meetings from the safety of our homes.
- Flower Show School, Course IV to be held September 16th & 17th, 2020 at Holly House has been canceled. Both FSS Courses III & IV will be rescheduled in future.
- NGC’s Fall Board Meeting to be held in Fargo, North Dakota on September 24th, and 25th has been canceled.
- GCNJ District Meetings will be rescheduled via Zoom meetings TBA.
- District Flower Shows scheduled for September, 2020 have been postponed, details to follow.
- Garden Study School to be held at Holly House on October 6th, 7th & 8th, 2020 will be held via Virtual Zoom with details to follow.
- Judges Council Meetings will be held via Zoom meetings, details to follow.
- Flower Show Symposium to be held at the Holiday Inn in East Windsor on October 14th , 15th and 16th has been postponed until the Fall of 2021.
- Central Atlantic Region-SGC Conference at Dover Downs, Delaware scheduled for October 19th, and 20th has been canceled.
- The Garden Club of New Jersey’s Fall Conference and Presidents Day at the Bridgewater Marriott to be held at the Bridgewater Marriott has been canceled and a Virtual Zoom Meeting will take place in late Fall, details to follow.
tova’s design experiments
GCNJ Membership Dues
tova’s florambunctious blog